2.3 Frontends

ArtexSwap Frontend Dapps

Official Website

https://artexswap.xyz/ (opens in a new tab)

ArtexSwap V1 Dapp Interface

https://v1.artexswap.com/ (opens in a new tab)

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-dapp (opens in a new tab)

The frontend swap page includes the following functions:

  • Connect MetaMask/OKX Wallet
  • Swap/Wrap Tokens
  • Add/Remove liquidity
  • Manage your Assets

ArtexSwap V2 Dapp Interface

https://app.artexswap.xyz/ (opens in a new tab)

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-next (opens in a new tab)

More Features:

  • Bind Aspect
  • Swap with Aspect

More Reference


Artex SDK provide interface to connect to Artela Blockchain

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-sdk (opens in a new tab)

Graph Scripts

Graph script to establish GraphQL on Server

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-graph (opens in a new tab)

Analytics Page

Analytics page to show the data of ArtexSwap

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-widget (opens in a new tab)

Docs Reference

Codebase: https://github.com/chef-studio/artex-docs (opens in a new tab)