1.1 Core Features

ArtexSwap Core Features

ArtexSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol built on the Artela blockchain. It enables users to swap various ERC-20 tokens directly from their EVM wallets without the need for intermediaries like centralized exchanges. Swap Infrastructure is the cornerstone of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Here are some of the key features and services that ArtexSwap provides:

  1. Token Swapping: ArtexSwap allows users to swap one ERC-20 token for another directly on the Artela blockchain. Users can trade between any tokens listed on ArtexSwap without the need for order books or centralized exchange platforms.

  2. Liquidity Provision: ArtexSwap relies on liquidity providers (LPs) who supply tokens to liquidity pools. In return, LPs earn a portion of the trading fees generated by the pool proportional to their contribution. This mechanism enables users to trade tokens with low slippage, even for less liquid assets.

  3. Automated Market Making (AMM): ArtexSwap uses an AMM mechanism to determine token prices based on the ratio of tokens in liquidity pools. This means that token prices are dynamically adjusted according to supply and demand, rather than being set by centralized entities.

  4. Decentralization: ArtexSwap operates as a decentralized protocol, meaning that it is not controlled by any single entity. This decentralization enhances security, censorship resistance, and user control over their assets.

  5. Open Source: ArtexSwap's smart contracts are open-source, allowing anyone to inspect, audit, and contribute to the codebase. This transparency promotes trust among users and developers within the Artela ecosystem.

  6. Permissionless Access: Anyone with an Artela wallet can access and use ArtexSwap without requiring KYC (Know Your Customer) verification or permission from any central authority. This open access fosters inclusivity and enables anyone to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi).

  7. Support for ERC-20 Tokens: ArtexSwap supports a wide range of ERC-20 tokens, making it a versatile platform for token trading and liquidity provision. Users can trade both popular and niche tokens directly on ArtexSwap.

Overall, ArtexSwap provides a decentralized and user-friendly platform for token swapping and liquidity provision, contributing to the growth and accessibility of decentralized finance (DeFi) on the Artela blockchain.